Monday 12 March 2018

Hardware burn-in in the CERN datacenter

During the Ironic sessions at the recent OpenStack Dublin PTG in Spring 2018, there were some discussions on adding a further burn in step to the OpenStack Bare Metal project (Ironic) state machine. The notes summarising the sessions were reported to the openstack-dev list. This blog covers the CERN burn in process for the systems delivered to the data centers as one example of how OpenStack Ironic users could benefit from a set of open source tools to burn in newly delivered servers as a stage within the Ironic workflow.

CERN hardware procurement follows a formal process compliant with public procurements. Following a market survey to identify potential companies in CERN's member states, a tender specification is sent to the companies asking for offers based on technical requirements.

Server burn in goals

Following the public procurement processes at CERN, large hardware deliveries occur once or twice a year and smaller deliveries multiple times per year. The overall resource management at CERN was covered in a previous blog. Part of the steps before production involves burn in of new servers. The goals are
  • Ensure that the hardware delivered complies with CERN Technical Specifications
  • Find systematic issues with all machines in a delivery such as bad firmware
  • Identify failed components in single machines
  • Provoke early failure in failing components due to high load during stress testing
Depending on the hardware configuration, the burn-in tests take on average around two weeks but do vary significantly (e.g. for systems with large memory amounts, the memory tests alone can take up to two weeks). This has been found to be a reasonable balance between achieving the goals above compared to delaying the production use of the machines with further testing which may not find more errors.

Successful execution of the CERN burn in processes is required in the tender documents prior to completion of the invoicing.


The CERN hardware follows a lifecycle from procurement to retirement as outlined below. The parts marked in red are the ones currently being implemented as part of the CERN Bare Metal deployment.

As part of the evaluation, test systems are requested from the vendor and these are used to validate compliance with the specifications. The results are also retained to ensure that the bulk equipment deliveries correspond to the initial test system configurations and performance.

Preliminary Checks

CERN requires that the Purchase Order ID  and an unique System Serial Number are set in the NVRAM of the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), in the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) fields Product Asset Tag (PAT) and Product Serial (PS) respectively:

# ipmitool fru print 0 | tail -2
 Product Serial        : 245410-1
 Product Asset Tag     : CD5792984

The Product Asset Tag is set to the CERN delivery number and the Product Serial is set to the unique serial number for the system unit.

Likewise, certain BIOS fields have to be set correctly such as booting from network before disk to ensure the systems can be easily commissioned.

Once these basic checks have been done, the burn in process can start. A configuration file, containing the burn-in tests to be run, is created according on the information stored in the PAT and PS FRU fields. Based on the content of the configuration file, the enabled tests will automatically start.

Burn in

The burn in process itself is highlighted in red in the workflow above, consisting of the following steps
  • Memory
  • CPU
  • Storage
  • Benchmarking
  • Network


The memtest stress tester is used for validation of the RAM in the system. Details of the tool are available at


Testing the CPU is performed using a set of burn tools, burnK7 or burnP6, and burn MMX. These tools not only test the CPU itself but are also useful to find cooling issues such as broken fans since the power load is significant with the processors running these tests.


Disk burn ins are intended to create the conditions for early drive failure. The bathtub curve aims to cause the early failure drives to fail prior to production.

With this aim, we use the badblocks code to repeatedly read/write the disks. SMART counters are then checked to see if there are significant numbers of relocated bad blocks and the CERN tenders require disk replacement if the error rate is high.

We still use this process although the primary disk storage for the operating system has now changed to SSD. There may be a case for minimising the writing on an SSD to maximise the life cycle of the units.


Many of the CERN hardware procurements are based on price for total compute capacity needed. With the nature of most of the physics processing, the total throughput of the compute farm is more important than the individual processor performance. Thus, it may be that the most total performance can be achieved by choosing processors which are slightly slower but less expensive.

CERN currently measures the CPU performance using a set of benchmarks based on a subset of the SPEC 2006 suite. The subset, called HEPSpec06, is run in parallel on each of the cores in the server to determine the total throughput from the system. Details are available at the HEPiX Benchmarking Working Group web site.

Since the offers include the expected benchmark performance, the results of the benchmarking process are used to validate the technical questionnaire submitted by the vendors. All machines in the same delivery would be expected to produce similar results so variations between different machines in the same batch are investigated.

CPU benchmarking can also be used to find problems where there is significant difference across a batch, such as incorrect BIOS settings on a particular system.

Disk performance is checked using a reference fio access suite. A minimum performance level in I/O is also required in the tender documents.


Networking interfaces are difficult to burn in compared to disks or CPU. To do a reasonable validation,  at lest two machines are needed. With batches of 100s of servers, a simple test against a single end point will produce unpredictable results.

Using a network broadcast, the test finds other machines running the stress test, they pair up and run a number of tests.

  • iperf3 is used for bandwidth, reversed bandwidth, udp and reversed udp
  • iperf for full duplex testing (currently missing from iperf3)
  • ping is used for congestion testing

Looking forward

CERN is currently deploying Ironic into production for bare metal management of machines. Integrating the burn in and retirement stages into the bare metal management states would bring easy visibility of the current state as the deliveries are processed.

The retirement stage is also of interest to ensure that there is no CERN configuration in the servers (such as Ironic BMC credentials or IP addresses).  CERN has often donated retired servers to other high energy physics sites such as SESAME in Jordan and Morocco which requires a full server factory reset before dismounting. This retirement step would be a more extreme cleaning followed by complete removal from the cloud.

Discussing with other scientific laboratories such as SKA through the OpenStack Scientific special interest group has shown interest in extending Ironic to automate the server on-boarding and retirement processes as described in the session at the OpenStack Sydney summit. We'll be following up on these discussions at Vancouver.


  • CERN IT department -
  • CERN Ironic and Rework Contributors 
    • Alexandru Grigore
    • Daniel Abad
    • Mateusz Kowalski


Friday 2 March 2018

Expiry of VMs in the CERN cloud

The CERN cloud resources are used for a variety of purposes from running compute intensive workloads to long running services. The cloud also provides personal projects for each user who is registered to the service. This allows a small quota (5 VMs, 10 cores) where the user can have resources dedicated for their use such as boxes for testing. A typical case would be for the CERN IT Tools training where personal projects are used as sandboxes for trying out tools such as Puppet.

Personal projects have a number of differences compares to other projects in the cloud
  • No non-standard flavors
  • No additional quota can be requested
  • Should not be used for production services
  • VMs are deleted automatically when the person stops being a CERN user
With the number of cloud users increasing to over 3,000, there is a corresponding growth in the number of cores used by personal projects, growing by 1,200 cores in the past year. For cases like training users, there is often the case that the VMs are created and the user then does not remember to delete the resources so they consume cores which could be used for compute capacity to analyse the data from the LHC.

One possible approach would be to reduce the quota further. However, tests such as setting up a Kubernetes cluster with OpenStack Magnum often need several VMs to perform the different roles so this would limit the usefulness of personal projects. The usage of the full quota is also rare.

VM Expiration

Based on a previous service which offered resources on demand (called CVI based on Microsoft SCVMM), the approach was taken to expire personal virtual machines.
  • Users can create virtual machines up to the limit of their quota
  • Personal VMs are marked with an expiry date
  • Prior to their expiry, the user is sent several mails to inform them their VM will expire soon and how to extend it if it is still useful.
  • On expiry, the virtual machine is locked and shutdown. This helps to catch cases where people have forgotten to prolong their VMs.
  • One week later, the virtual machine is deleted, freeing up the resources.


We use Mistral to automate several OpenStack tasks in the cloud (such as regular snapshots and project creation/deletion). This has the benefit of a clean audit log to show what steps worked/failed along with clear input/output states supporting retries and an authenticated cloud cron for scheduling.

Our OpenStack projects have some properties set when they are created. This is used to indicate additional information like the accounting codes to be charged for the usage. There are properties for indicating if the type of project such as personal and if the expiration workflow should apply. Mistral YAQL code can then select resources where expiration applies.

task(retrieve_all_projects) => $.id, name => $.name, enabled => $.enabled, type => $.get('type','none'),expire => $.get('expire','off'))).where($.type='personal').where($.enabled).where($.expire='on')

The expire_at parameter is stored as a VM property. This makes it visible for automation such as CLIs through the openstack client show server CLI.

There are several parts to the process
  • A cron trigger'd workflow which
    • Machines in error state or currently building are ignored
    • A newly created machine which does not have an expiry date set has the expiration date set according to the grace period
    • Sees if any machines are entering close to their expiry time and sends a mail to the owner
    • Checks for invalid settings of the expire_at property (such as people setting it a long way in the future or deleting the property) and restores a reasonable value if this is detected
    • If a machine has reached it's expiry date, it's locked and shutdown
    • If a machine has past it's date by the grace period, it's deleted
  • A workflow, launched by Horizon or from the CLI
    • Retrieves the expire_at value and extends it by the prolongation period
The user notification is done using a set of mail templates and a dedicated workflow ( This allows templates such as instance reminders to have details about the resources included, such as the example from the mail template.

The Virtual Machine {instance} from the project {project_name} in the Cloud Infrastructure Service will expire on {expire_date}.

A couple of changes to Mistral will be submitted upstream
  • Support for HTML mail bodies which allows us to have a nicer looking e-mail for notification with links included
  • Support for BCC/CC on the mail so that the OpenStack cloud administrator e-mail can also be kept on copy when there are notifications
A few minor changes to Horizon were also done (currently local patches)
  • Display expire_at value on the instance details page
  • Add a 'prolong' action so that instances can be prolonged via the web by using the properties editor to set the date of the expiry (defaulting to the current date with the expiry time). This launches the workflow for prolonging the instance.


Jose Castro Leon from the CERN cloud team
